Why Jakarta Physiotherapy Stands Out: Our Partnership with Physioactive

At Jakarta Physiotherapy, we leverage our strong partnership with Physioactive to ensure that our patients receive the highest standard of care. We utilize this connection daily, especially in these key areas:

Internationally Trained Physiotherapists

Our team consists of internationally trained physiotherapists, many of whom hold Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees from top institutions around the world, including:

  • United States
  • Australia
  • United Kingdom
  • Thailand
  • Japan

Before starting their careers at Jakarta Physiotherapy, all of our therapists undergo rigorous training through Physioactive. This comprehensive training program includes:

  • Hands-on Training in Singapore: We send our therapists to Singapore for practical, hands-on experience.
  • Theoretical Knowledge Enhancement: Continuous theoretical training ensures that our therapists stay updated with the latest in physiotherapy practices.
  • Knowledge Verification: We use test patients to check and validate the up-to-date knowledge of our therapists.
Monthly Training with Principal Physioactive

Monthly Training with Principal Physioactive

Monthly training by Principal Physioactive

Every month, either Denis Mecklenburg or Diana Mecklenburg, will come over and spend a weekend training our therapist in various specialities, including:

Weekly Online call with Physioactive Singapore

Weekly Online call with Physioactive Singapore

Weekly Online Consultations with Physioactive Singapore

At Jakarta Physiotherapy, we go the extra mile to ensure our patients receive the best possible care. Every Monday, our team engages in an online call with Diana Mecklenburg or Denis Mecklenburg from Physioactive Singapore. During these sessions, we discuss special patient cases, ensuring that even non-standard or complex conditions benefit from expert insights. If your case requires additional expertise, we have direct access to top professionals who can provide further support.