• Matthijs Laban
    I needed treatment for a sprained ankle when visiting Jakarta. PhysioActive was able to get me scheduled on short notice, very professional treatment by friendly qualified staff and most importantly the result was excellent! I can highly recommend them. https://maps.app.goo.gl/vpiQQAd1ensdEe9c7
  • Francisco Rodriguez (Chef )
    I have found PhysioActive to be a very professional and caring team. I came with a recalcitrant plantar fasciitis. After many years of unsuccessful treatments, I have improved greatly in a few weeks thanks to the shockwave treatment. I would definitely recommend visiting PhysioActive. Thank you very much!
  • Matthew Tavares
    Fantastic quality of personnel… Well trained and able to get me back to function again. I will definitely recommend and return!!!!! https://goo.gl/maps/qycRyctBf1XRA8CRA
  • Clara Buckley
    I had 4 sessions in total at PhysioActive. Tim was my PT and he is fantastic. He's professional, approachable and very knowledgeable. His explanations were also clear and concise too. The clinic is very clean and COVID protocols are followed well. The receptionist was also very helpful with sorting out the insurance forms for me and sending reminders about appointments etc. I have recommended this clinic to other people since my treatment there. https://goo.gl/maps/dgDDWGZ6NxUEFGcT9
  • Montserrat Alejandra Fuentes Carrasco
  • Amy Kartadinata
    I am satisfied with PhysioActive Physiotherapy Centre. The friendly staffs, no wait time, the place was very clean that it makes me comfortable and clear improvement on my joints. Highly recommended! https://goo.gl/maps/eqKLxFXH21S3AbjN9
  • Diyah Aryani
    Pertama kali datang ke tempat ini, krn melihat review2 dr web sangat bagus n inisiatif coba datang krn keluhan yg saya alami cedera angkle kaki kanan n kebetulan first time fisio disini dihandle oleh mas aghnan. Untuk keseluruhan metode yg dipakai alhamdulillah sangat memuaskan dan untuk latihan yg harus dilakukan dirumah pun sangat mudah dipahami. Untuk rasa nyeri yg dirasakan berangsur2 pulih dgn rutin latihan yg disarankan krn kitapun dipermudah dgn adanya aplikasi. Terima kasih untuk PhysioActive https://maps.app.goo.gl/zW3PTyLUXRuJaNb98
  • Matthijs Laban
    I needed treatment for a sprained ankle when visiting Jakarta. PhysioActive was able to get me scheduled on short notice, very professional treatment by friendly qualified staff and most importantly the result was excellent! I can highly recommend them. https://maps.app.goo.gl/vpiQQAd1ensdEe9c7
  • Francisco Rodriguez (Chef )
    I have found PhysioActive to be a very professional and caring team. I came with a recalcitrant plantar fasciitis. After many years of unsuccessful treatments, I have improved greatly in a few weeks thanks to the shockwave treatment. I would definitely recommend visiting PhysioActive. Thank you very much!

Lower Leg Injuries

Lower Leg Pain & Injury Treatment

Lower leg injuries mainly involve bone fractures due to a trauma or muscular problems due to sport injuries.

  • Price List

    1 session

    S$ 70

    5 session

    S$ 665

    20 session

    S$ 1,260

    1 session

    S$ 90

    5 session

    S$ 855

    20 session

    S$ 1,620

    1 session

    S$ 110

    5 session

    S$ 1,045

    20 session

    S$ 1,980

Common Lower Leg Injuries:

  • Calf strain

    Calf strains happen in most cases during sport activities. The cause is either overuse or excessive load to the muscle (sprinting or jumping). The severity and symptoms of a muscle strain depends on the degree of stretching or tearing of the muscle.

    1. Grade I strain: This is a mild strain and only some muscle fibres have been damaged. Healing occurs within 2-3 weeks.
    2. Grade II strain: This is a moderate strain with more extensive damage to muscle fibres, but the muscle is not completely ruptured. Healing occurs within 3-6 weeks.
    3. Grade III strain: This is a severe injury with a complete rupture of muscle fibres. The healing period can be up to three months and may in severe cases require surgery.

    Physiotherapy optimizes the healing process. Exercise therapy, incl. stretching-, strengthening- and stability exercises helps to restore full function of the muscle.

  • Patellar tendonitis

    Patellar tendonitis is an overuse injury affecting your knee. A common name for it is jumper’s knee or runner’s knee. It is the result of your patella tendon (tendon of the quadriceps) being overstressed due to repetitive sport activities, sudden increase in trainings intensity or generally too high trainings intensity. Pain is located in the front of the knee and may occur during or after activities.

    During the acute stage physiotherapy helps to reduce pain and inflammation signs. Once the condition improves exercise therapy incl. stretching-, strengthening- and stability exercises helps to restore full function of the knee and to avoid reoccurrence.

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome

    Patellofemoral pain syndrome is one of the most common knee complaints and describes pain behind the kneecap, (usually after sitting for a longer period, walking stairs or sport) where the patella (kneecap) articulates with your thigh bone (femur). This joint is known as your patellofemoral joint. The pain is caused by misalignment of the knee cap, which results in irritation of the cartilage or bone beneath. The most common causes of patellar misalignment are an abnormal muscle imbalance (weak vastus medialis oblique or VMO or tight ITB) and poor biomechanical control.

    Physiotherapy helps to re-align the patella by specific exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles around the knee. After completion of treatment patients can return to their sports without any restrictions.