• Rizaldy Maulana
    I did a running analysis with Mr.Timothy last friday, it was a great experience. I believe that after that session and physical exercises which was custom made for me will made my running better and faster. Thanks physioactive! https://goo.gl/maps/DZSuAtnpieAiBW3A9 
  • Celine Goutama
    I am currently in the 7th week, post operation of meniscus repair, ACL Recon and ALL Recon, and have been doing physiotherapy with Mr Ferian in PhysioActive Dharmawangsa, twice a week, for 4 weeks now. My progress throughout the physiotherapy has been going really well that it even exceeded my expectations as Mr Ferian has been really professional and detailed with the at-venue exercises and at-home exercises. I'm thankful that Mr Ferian also thoroughly helped answer all my worries and questions for me to get a better understanding on everything. The receptionists are really nice, and the services that Physioactive Dharmawangsa provides are really satisfactory and helpful. The place is very neat and clean, giving off an aesthetic yet also calm ambience. Definitely recommending PhysioActive Dharmawangsa for those who are searching for physiotherapy sessions with professional physiotherapists 😊👍 https://goo.gl/maps/FxqfcH7KE6U9mDMg7
  • Sahil Nathani
    Super set-up & phenomenal physios! https://maps.app.goo.gl/BBJGBQg8AhScSXTD9
  • Omera
    I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to kak ika and the physioactive team at dharmawangsa square. kak ika has been so thorough and encouraging throughout all my physio sessions and i have seen so much improvement in my range of motion of my knee, the pain and overall confidence in carrying out my daily activities despite my injury. i came in seeking help pre-surgery for a right knee acl rupture and complete meniscocapsular junction tear. kak ika assessed me and gave me programs to follow every session to target different muscle groups that will aid in strengthening my leg again. i can safely say that i am really happy and satisfied with the results as of now from all my sessions. thank you so much kak ika and team!! https://maps.app.goo.gl/yDNA6yNjYTavY43P7

Corporate Health & Ergonomics

Your business should run like a well-oiled machine. However, there are hidden dangers in any office. Poor posture and repetitive movements can lead to back problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other strains and sprains among your workforce.

As a result, you lose time and money from increased employee absenteeism and decreased productivity. Furthermore, it will be harder to retain these employees.

The Expert PhysioActive Approach

Show your workers that you truly care by utilising PhysioActive’s corporate health programmes. We’ll evaluate your workplace and/or individual employee workstations for optimal ergonomics and a healthy environment. Our expert corporate physiotherapists will provide advice and solutions to help get your workforce healthy. In turn, you’ll benefit from happier employees, fewer absentees and increased productivity!

We offer several customised packages for your convenience:

1. One-on-One Ergonomic Assessments by Corporate Ergonomic Physiotherapists
This is an individual assessment of one employee’s work area, allowing our highly-trained and experienced physiotherapists to offer their expert advice and recommendations. This package is ideal for employees with chronic issues or injuries.

Individual assessment: $325
$400 for 2 hours
$600 for 3 hours
$800 for 4 hours

2. In-house Physiotherapy Sessions
For your healthy employees, our physiotherapists can visit your office to provide professional advice and exercise instruction every month. This is a great way of showing concern for your employees and helping to prevent injuries.

Price: $400 for 2 hours or $600 for 3 hours

3. Ergonomic Workshops
Our ergonomic workshops are a superb method of reaching small groups of employees. Our professional physiotherapists will demonstrate good posture, helpful exercises, and proper workstation setup to avoid injuries.

Price: $1,250

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My company is large – can you work with all of my employees?

    Yes, although several workshops may be required to reach all of your employees.

  • I have an employee with a serious medical condition – can you still work with them?

    We can provide one-on-one assessment and training for employees with chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Some severe conditions will need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  • Who is on your corporate ergonomics team?

    Our team is an international group of experts, all well-trained professionals who are experienced in all facets of corporate physiotherapy and ergonomics.

  • Are your physiotherapists experienced with corporate ergonomics?

    Yes! Our ergonomic physiotherapists are trained and experienced with corporate ergonomics
    and biomechanics.

  • My employees spend most of their day sitting in an office – how can they benefit from this programme?

    Employees who are mostly sedentary are at high risk of repetitive motion and ergonomic injuries from improper chair, mouse, and keyboard set up. Our workshops can help prevent these injuries.

    Remember, your employees’ health is vital to your company’s health. Don’t delay, contact us to learn more or book an appointment right now!

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 Don’t see your condition?

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